Turns out that there are two Mercers named Winsome. What are the odds? The other Winsome is owned by June and John Downs and lives in Connecticut.
She was Cape Cod Shipbuilding's 3rd Mercer. She was initially named Bat and was owned by Bill Samuels. She was sold to Rick Alexander from Ridgefield Park, NJ and renamed to Sundown. As we understand, she was bought this year by a L. T. Lilliston and now is on a mooring in Marion Harbor, Massachusetts a couple of hundred yards from Odyssey. Winsome from Newport, RI is on her stern although her stern horseshoes still read Sundown.
We were very surpised to be taking the launch out to Odyssey last week and saw her along the way. We initially thought she was a Columbia 50. She a black hull with white doghouse with new spars and looks great. Mr. Lilliston was onboard her but we did not have a chance to invite him aboard (or more importantly invite ourselves aboard) so we can learn more about his new baby and check her out. Hope to do so soon!
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